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It. Sandstøbt glas og patineret kobber.
It. Sandcast glass and patinated copper.
It. Sandstøbt glas og patineret kobber.
It. Sand cast glass and patinated copper.
It. Sandstøbt glas og patineret kobber.
It. Sand cast glass and patinated copper.
It. Sandstøbt glas og patineret kobber.
It. Sand cast glass and patinated copper.
Vessel. Sandstøbt glas og patineret kobber. 24x17x17 cm.
Vessel. Sand glas and patinated copper. 24x17x17 cm.
Vessel. Sandstøbt glas og patineret kobber. 18x10x10 cm.
Vessel. Sand cast glass and patinated copper. 18x10x10 cm.